// // LFRoundProgressView.h // LFRoundProgressView // // Created by Matej Bukovinski on 2.4.09. detail see MBProgressHUD // Version 1.0 // modified by shiqiang on 14/1/3. // #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> #ifndef MB_STRONG #if __has_feature(objc_arc) #define MB_STRONG strong #else #define MB_STRONG retain #endif #endif /** * A progress view for showing definite progress by filling up a circle (pie chart). */ @interface LFRoundProgressView : UIView /** * Progress (0.0 to 1.0) */ @property (nonatomic, assign) float progress; /** * Indicator progress color. * Defaults to white [UIColor whiteColor] */ @property (nonatomic, MB_STRONG) UIColor *progressTintColor UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR; /** * Defaults as white [UIColor whiteColor] * NO = annular. progressBackgroundColor is affect. */ @property (nonatomic, MB_STRONG) UIColor *progressBackgroundColor UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR; /** * Indicator background (non-progress) color. * Defaults to translucent white (alpha 0.1) */ @property (nonatomic, MB_STRONG) UIColor *backgroundTintColor UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR; /* * show or hide text percent in center(e.g 68%) - NO = hide or YES = show. Defaults to hide. */ @property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL percentShow;// Can not use BOOL with UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR :-( /** * default is [UIColor whiteColor] */ @property (nonatomic, MB_STRONG) UIColor *percentLabelTextColor UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR; /** * default is [UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:12.f] */ @property (nonatomic, MB_STRONG) UIFont *percentLabelFont UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR; /* * Display mode - NO = round or YES = annular. Defaults to annular. */ @property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL annular;// Can not use BOOL with UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR :-( /* * YES = annular. annularLineCapStyle is affect. */ @property (nonatomic, assign) CGLineCap annularLineCapStyle UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR; /** * Progress (0.0 to 8.0) default 4.0f */ @property (nonatomic, assign) CGFloat annularLineWith UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR; @end