Commit 4c5d7c92 by Dima Bart

Minor clean up. Add assertions for shop credentials in init.

parent fdb2606c
......@@ -26,8 +26,6 @@
@import Foundation;
@class PKPaymentToken;
@class BUYAccountCredentials;
@class BUYCart;
@class BUYCheckout;
......@@ -459,7 +457,7 @@ typedef void (^BUYDataGiftCardBlock)(BUYGiftCard *giftCard, NSError *error);
* @return The associated NSURLSessionDataTask
- (NSURLSessionDataTask*)completeCheckout:(BUYCheckout *)checkout paymentToken:(id<BUYPaymentToken>)paymentToken completion:(BUYDataCheckoutBlock)block;
- (NSURLSessionDataTask *)completeCheckout:(BUYCheckout *)checkout paymentToken:(id<BUYPaymentToken>)paymentToken completion:(BUYDataCheckoutBlock)block;
* Retrieve the status of a BUYCheckout. This checks the status of the current payment processing job for the provided checkout.
......@@ -86,7 +86,10 @@ NSString *const BUYClientCustomerAccessToken = @"X-Shopify-Customer-Access-Token
- (instancetype)initWithShopDomain:(NSString *)shopDomain apiKey:(NSString *)apiKey appId:(NSString *)appId
NSAssert(shopDomain.length > 0, @"Bad shop domain. Please ensure you initialize with a shop domain");
NSAssert(shopDomain.length > 0, @"Bad shop domain. Please ensure you initialize with a shop domain.");
NSAssert(apiKey.length > 0, @"Bad API key. Please ensure you initialize with a valid API key.");
NSAssert(appId.length > 0, @"Bad app ID. Please ensure you initialize with a valid App ID.");
self = [super init];
if (self) {
self.modelManager = [BUYModelManager modelManager];
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