# Mobile Buy SDK Sample Web AppThe web sample app demonstrates how you can load your shop's website in a webview, and support Apple Pay.### Getting startedFirst, add your shop domain, API key and Channel ID to the `AppDelegate.h` macros.```objc#define SHOP_DOMAIN @"<shop_domain>"#define API_KEY @"<api_key>"#define CHANNEL_ID @"<channel_id>"```To support Apple Pay, add your Merchant ID as well.```objc#define MERCHANT_ID @"<merchant_id>"```### OverviewThe sample app instantiates a view controller which is a subclass of `BUYStoreViewController`. This displays a webview with your shop, but intercepts the checkout to support Apple Pay.The sample app also demonstrates how to use the `BUYClient` to obtain shop details by calling `getShop:````objc[self.providergetShop:^(BUYShop*shop,NSError*error){dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(),^{if(error==nil&&shop){self.title=shop.name;}else{NSLog(@"Error fetching shop: %@",error.localizedDescription);}});}];```