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Mobile Buy SDK Advanced Sample App

The Advanced Sample App demonstrates how to perform several tasks related to creating a checkout.

  • Fetch collections
  • Fetch products
  • Optionally present using the ProductViewController
  • Create a checkout
  • Apply shipping rate
  • Apply gift cards and discounts
  • Complete checkout via web view, native checkout implementation, and Apple Pay

Getting started

First, add your shop domain, API key and Channel ID to the CollectionListViewController.m macros.

#define SHOP_DOMAIN @"<shop_domain>"
#define API_KEY @"<api_key>"
#define CHANNEL_ID @"<channel_id>"


The Advanced Sample App demonstrates several tasks that can be performed using the Mobile Buy SDK. Each task is broken up into seperate view controllers. Polling endpoints are represented as NSOperations which can easily be utilized in your own apps.


View Controllers

  • Initializes the BUYClient
  • Fetches collections and displays them in a list
  • Optionally allows for fetch of the first product page
  • Fetches the products and displays them in a list
  • Can present a product using the ProductViewController and demo the theme settings on the controller, or
  • Creates a checkout with the selected product and pushes to the ShippingRatesTableViewController
  • Fetches the shipping rates for the checkout using GetShippingRatesOperation
  • Updates the checkout with the selected shipping rate and pushes to the PreCheckoutViewController
  • Displays a summary of the checkout
  • Allows for discounts and gift cards to be added to the checkout
  • Displays a summary of the checkout
  • Checkout using a credit card
  • Web checkout using Safari
  • Checkout using Apple Pay


  • NSOperation based class to fetch the shop object
  • NSOperation based class to poll for shipping rates
  • NSOperation based class to poll for the checkout completion status

Apple Pay

Apple Pay is implemented in the CheckoutViewController. It utilizes the BUYApplePayHelpers class which acts as the delegate for the PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController. Setting the MerchantId is required to use Apple Pay. For more information about supporting Apple Pay in your app, please consult