Commit 69fafd74 by Rune Madsen

Add example of fetching the completed BUYCheckout object after Apple Pay completes.

parent d7491527
......@@ -294,6 +294,12 @@ NSString * const MerchantId = @"";
// Add additional methods if needed and forward the callback to BUYApplePayHelpers
[self.applePayHelper paymentAuthorizationViewController:controller didAuthorizePayment:payment completion:completion];
// Get the completed checkout
[self.client getCheckout:self.applePayHelper.checkout completion:^(BUYCheckout *checkout, NSError *error) {
NSLog(@"%@", checkout);
NSLog(@"%@", error);
- (void)paymentAuthorizationViewControllerDidFinish:(PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController *)controller
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